On 2024-03-08 09:13, Stefano Bagnara via mailop wrote:
I undestand you all hate OVH, but this really doesn't look like an
intended block.
your understanding is wrong; your tarring "all" with the same brush is
unacceptable; and hate has nothing to do with this.
my personal position: if anything, I want OVH to succeed. Their
offering here in Canada would be amazing if they would police their
network. I almost switched to OVH. I am still caught by inertia in the
same Digital Swamp that won my business more than a decade ago when they
were doing the Right Thing(TM) before they have slacked on proper
policing and became another candidate for ASN block. I am still looking
for suggestion of clean ASN's / hosts who have an efficient API/UI/UX
and are not trying to vendor-lock, with physical presence in Canada. My
first candidates for ASN blocks would be Microsoft, Google, Facebook.
And this is not hate. It is a message: control what bad actors emanate
from your networks, or stay with them, out of my life.
I tested that when I log to my @freenet.de email I am not able to
write emails to any domain whose DNS are hosted by OVH. I know plenty
of italian companies whose domain zone is at OVH: even if their email
is at Google Workspace or somewhere else they currently cannot receive
emails from @freenet.de and you are telling me this is something
freenet.de done by purpose beucase they didn't want OVH spam? I'll
believe that once a freenet.de people will confirm it.
I did not "tell you that freenet.de has done this on purpose." I hope
it did, and I hope the consequences will cause some bulbs to light up.
The target is not OVH spam. The target is misbehaving customers of OVH
who are ruining the network for everyone else, and OVH is in the best
position to police them. KYC. If the filter does not hurt, OVH will
not do anything about it. The block has to hurt, and that includes
collateral damage as per your description. Just filtering email does
not hurt enough. Disabling anything and everything dependent on OVH's
ASN, including DNS, hurts where it matters. Think if you own an
e-commerce site hosted at OVH, and you measure revenues in the thousands
of EUR per hour of operation. Even a minute downtime matters to you.
And now you have hours of no customers because they cannot access your
servers. What do you do?
And disabling (ranges of) IP addresses disable rogue IoT home-callers
including top brands TV who no longer rely on traditional DNS to do
their unwanted stuff.
I really don't believe they blocked bidirectional routing between 2 ASN
just because freenet thinks OVH is spammy. We hardly see a similar
block when there is a war between 2 countries.
Observed facts point to a block. Whether that's intentional or not,
remains to be seen. Your analogy with war is a good one. In case you
have not noticed, there are entities that behave worse than countries at
war and are already resorting to APN as the driving filter/block in the
war for control of the flow of information.
All I did in my message was exposing the economic incentives. No love,
no hate.
Actually some hate: I hate the marketers who have made the websites and
emails from ski resorts useless to me (skier). One of the few marketing
email lists that I did allow to reach me will be soon blocked.
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