On 2/12/2024 7:13 PM, Mark Milhollan via mailop wrote:
On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, Dave Crocker wrote:
Certificates are not magic symbols of safety.

I never said they were.  I said, paraphrasing though I see I should have been explicit, that Google could increase the number of people using S/MIME though not any additional MUAs since theirs already has S/MIME support though different.

Right.  Except almost certainly wrong.

Just making certs easier to get will increase S/MIME use.  This ignores a collection of other usability and management issues that represent significant barriers to adoption and use.  And that's just with S/MIME itself, nevermind the integration of its use into a helpful reception management function.

My point is that serious efforts at achieving real efficacy that is better than what we get now will require considerably wider and deeper design thinking that just making certs easier.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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