> Given my experience with spamhaus this week, I´m convinced that they 
> are out to put the small email provider out of business.

        What was your experience with them?

        (I ask, because based on what I've seen, Spamhaus been consistent 
and impartial with their listing criteria, and I know them to be 
responsive and helpful.)

        Did your mail server(s) get listed in Spamhaus?  I did some 
checking, and I found some hits in the TRUNCATE and UCEPROTECT-2 
blacklists, but it's possible that I checked in the wrong places.

        Please feel free to provide a bit more detail (e.g., a link to a 
Spamhaus listing) as I'd be happy to try to assist (as I'm sure 
others on this mailing list would be happy to as well).

Postmaster - postmas...@inter-corporate.com
Randolf Richardson, CNA - rand...@inter-corporate.com
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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