> On 25.08.2023 at 13:29 Brotman, Alex via mailop wrote: > > Are you suggesting that an unsub results in a suppression? That hardly > seems ideal. That seems to suggest I sign up for a brand's email list. > Order some stuff, get receipt. Later unsub. Later buy again, but get no > receipt? (Presuming it comes from the same ESP)
Yes, this is absolutely not ideal, and basically the opposite behavior of what is reported in this thread: If you complain once you will not receive any messages ever again, not even when you actually requested them yourself. I’m under the impression Sendgrid operates like this and also another member on this list suggested this approach a few days ago: If you report their emails as spam, they add your address to a suppression list. If you request password reset emails or other transactional messages later on which are sent via Sendgrid as well, they are silently discarded. I’m not sure if anyone is sending opt-in confirmations for transactional emails, but if you do then you have to send them again for every new transaction and cannot assume that a recipient is not interested in any future messages just because he wasn’t interested in one before. — BR Oliver ________________________________ dmTECH GmbH Am dm-Platz 1, 76227 Karlsruhe * Postfach 10 02 34, 76232 Karlsruhe Telefon 0721 5592-2500 Telefax 0721 5592-2777 dmt...@dm.de<mailto:dmt...@dm.de> * www.dmTECH.de<http://www.dmtech.de> GmbH: Sitz Karlsruhe, Registergericht Mannheim, HRB 104927 Geschäftsführer: Christoph Werner, Martin Dallmeier, Roman Melcher ________________________________ Datenschutzrechtliche Informationen Wenn Sie mit uns in Kontakt treten, beispielsweise wenn Sie an unser ServiceCenter Fragen haben, bei uns einkaufen oder unser dialogicum in Karlsruhe besuchen, mit uns in einer geschäftlichen Verbindung stehen oder sich bei uns bewerben, verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten. Informationen unter anderem zu den konkreten Datenverarbeitungen, Löschfristen, Ihren Rechten sowie die Kontaktdaten unserer Datenschutzbeauftragten finden Sie hier<https://www.dm.de/datenschutzerklaerung-kommunikation-mit-externen-493832>. _______________________________________________ mailop mailing list mailop@mailop.org https://list.mailop.org/listinfo/mailop