On 09.08.2023 at 10:05 Otto J. Makela via mailop wrote:

> On 8/7/23 03:06, Al Iverson via mailop wrote:

>> If MS is using IPv6 to send the mail to Google, you might be in an
>> extra difficult spot. Not everybody agrees/believes this, but in my
>> experience Gmail is more quick to block IPv6-sent mail; they're more
>> stringent about what they might let through versus IPv4. I can't
>> imagine that's something you can control, but, hey, if I'm wrong and
>> it is, it's worth checking.

> I concur, Google seems to think that if you are using IPv6 for transport you 
> must be Teh Master of Teh Internet™, and it'll be trivial for you to get 
> every single detail right in your messages.

Another explanation might be that Google wants to introduce additional security 
controls without breaking all kind of existing communications. So they enforce 
those controls primarily for new remote endpoints. When you try to send 
messages to Google from an IPv4 address that Google has not received 
connections from before, you might also be subjected to requirements which 
other servers that send emails from their IP addresses since years do not (yet) 
have to fulfill. And since most IPv6 addresses did not send emails multiple 
years ago, they can all be considered new.

BR Oliver

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