Try reading that again.That adress is a spamtrap.Clicking on contact us gives a
"Under design" error.
-------- Originalmeddelande --------Från: Benny Pedersen via mailop
<> Datum: 2023-06-26 14:38 (GMT+01:00) Till: Ämne: Re: [mailop] Listed on - how to delist?
Sebastian Nielsen via mailop skrev den 2023-06-26 10:39:> It seems I have got
listed on for some reason. I cannot> find why, if there is some
email that I sent that triggered something,> or if someone accidentially
pressed "Spam" instead of "Delete" which> happens regularly.> > Theres no
contact details on their website, and they have disabled> their contact form.
And delisting mentions using this contact form.> > Any idea how to get in
contact with and have details of> what for spam that have been
listed?incorrect questions leeds to incorrect answers, sorry
see contact usso in praktise you need to send mail from there blacklists
listnings to get delisted, clever ?
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