On Sat, 2023-06-24 at 10:18 +0000, Louis Laureys via mailop wrote:
> Michael, I was with you until it was revealed you mention a blacklist in your
> response. Sendgrid assumes that the words in the response actually have
> something to do with the reason it's being temporarily rejected, which is a 
> fair
> assumption to make even if it doesn't follow spec. Then using different retry
> logic based on that reason does make sense at that scale. I mean effort wise,
> not "we're big so we can do whatever we want" wise. I'm personally no fan of
> them, but I don't think this behaviour specifically is odd at all.

Why take the time just to victim blame? A decade ago, I added some text
to our 5xx rejections to try to be helpful. The RFC explicitly
guarantees that doing so will have no negative effects. Fuck me I
guess? The response does *not* say that they're blacklisted.

The only reason they won't do the right thing and simply retry is
because it saves them money when sending spam. The arguments about
scale are smoke and mirrors.

Your opinions are yours, but you're defending billionaire spammers who
knowingly breaking the rules because the rest of us pay for it.

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