Dnia  7.12.2022 o godz. 12:06:03 Andrew C Aitchison via mailop pisze:
> On Wed, 7 Dec 2022, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
> >Obviously it is done this way only to discourage people from unsubscribing.
> >They know the address they sent mail to, so they could easily generate a
> >personalized unsubscribe link that is connected with this particular address
> >and allows to unsubscribe just by clicking "Confirm" or something like this
> >on the page you get to via the link - as many legitimate newsletters already
> >do.
> Hmm. This list has two unsubscribe links (https: and mailto:)
> but neither is personalised.

Regular mailing lists, where you purposely subscribe by yourself, and
marketing mass-mailing, where you are usually subscribed "by the way", eg. 
when registering on some website, are two quite different things.

The latter usually - at least if they are legitimate ones - have
personalized unsubscribe links, when you click that link the software
serving the webpage already knows which address do you want to unsubscribe.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
mailop mailing list

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