On Wed, 19 Oct 2022, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
Dnia 19.10.2022 o godz. 18:56:17 Bernardo Reino via mailop pisze:
After I contacted them they told me that they only accept e-mail from
commercial servers, so in my case (private/family server) I would have to
add an "Impressum" (to the associated www site) in order to make it
"commercial" (some logic here).
That seems really "interesting". How does that impressum look like, which
has the magical power of transforming a private server into a "commercial"
one? What should it contain? Could you provide a link to yours?
Well, now that it's public anyway :) -> www.bbmk.org
BTW they replied an hour ago with:
"Wir werden veranlassen, dass die Reputation dieser IP-Adresse bei
unserem System resettet wird. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie, dass es bis zu
24 Stunden dauern kann, bis die Änderung wirksam wird, erfahrungsgemäß
dürfte es allerdings in ein bis zwei Stunden erledigt sein."
which means they'll whitelist the IP address (can take up to 24h).
I wonder what happens if I delete the "Impressum" in a few days, but who knows,
maybe they do add some monitoring for *that* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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