Am 14.09.22 um 03:32 schrieb Jarland Donnell via mailop:
I can't block Gmail IPs, at all. It's on average 48% of who my clients
communicate with. While they may be sympathetic to the fact that an IP of
theirs sent spam, they will not hold anyone accountable for their missed email
but me. So it comes down to this philosophical question:
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a
I'm rather sure it does, based on what I think I understood about physics. But
whether or not there would be a sound, as no-one would take notice, does it
But, staying with this picture – woods and falling trees –, is it still a wood
if all but five trees fell?
Similarly, if I block a Gmail IP for sending spam and I have no customers
because they all left when I blocked Gmail IPs, am I holding anyone accountable
or am I merely choosing not to feed my kids out of principle and then wondering
why no one cares about my protest?
True, one needs a critical mass to make an impact. Like, one protesting cyclist
on a highway is just run over. A thousand ... not that easily or likely.
So, one question is: is there any interessted audience out there? (Outside of
mailop and similar groups, that is.)
Do any of you feel as though you could hold Gmail accountable for anything and
actually be heard at the same time? Because if you get fired as admin, or your
users leave you, what good is theoretically holding them accountable? Genuine
question, not meant to be confrontational.
As a minor admin, or even the CEO of some small ISP, there is no point.
OTOH: The other day, the national railroad company (Deutsche Bahn) put a note on a
competition website, that, with an email address at GMX, one most likely won't get
Deutsche Bahn's emails – and therefore cannot actually win –, suggesting to enter a
different email address [1 (German)]. Turns out ([2 (German)]) that GMX "just"
rate-limited Deutsche Bahn's mail amount to GMX customers.
There, publicity helped to resolve the issue quickly (by GMX allegedly raising
their inbound limits for Bahn's ESP); question remains: will anyone reach out
to a mainstream media if yourawesomeneighbouring.isp cannot deliver mails to
Google or MSFT (anymore)? Most likely not ;-(
One thing to do is to *not* exclude GMail, Yahoo, MSFT, etc. from being
blacklisted (by whitelisting their IPs manually upfront). If they hit e. g.
Spamcop's lists, it's usually due to a reason … The other thing is to be clear
in your communication: if Google's or Deutsche Telekom's mail servers earn an
entry in any blocklists, it's up to them to a) clean up and b) prevent further
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