I've got strong feelings about this one. I recently moved some of my
domains off of Gmail and it's been great to add more granular
filtering directly and watch mail bounce. So I'm hosting inbound mail.
And I forward a bunch of mail. And I host a handful of mailing lists,
so I've got a server with great IP reputation that has few
deliverability issues and it dawns on me that I'm already running all
the pieces of a mailbox provider, so I ought to just pull the trigger
and make my own full one. Because I disagree with the whole premise
that self hosting mail is impossible today and I have enough proof
from my own experience that it works fine if you follow best practices
and don't grow crustry and stop evolving your knowledge while best
practices keep on evolving. So I'm going to go deeper into it, not run
away from it. Wish me luck.

Al Iverson


Al Iverson / Deliverability blogging at www.spamresource.com
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