Hello Slavko,
> I do not understand one thing. Why do you think, that you can use my (or
> any other's) hardware for own business without approve?
I don't think that.
Honestly, I hate that we are using YOUR resources without compensating you.
As I wrote before, I'd love to pay. I initially thought about paying a quota
for using VRFY.
But if it would be hard to implement - I'd love to pay for the requests.
The issue I had before was I did not know how to get in touch with mail server
operators - I learned about this mailing group just a few days ago.
Actually, today I talked to my CTO, that we should put a website on
bouncer.cloud ( http://bouncer.cloud/ ) mentioning that:
- we'd love to compensate mail operators for using their resources,
- if you don't want us to verify your email addresses - please let us know and
we will consider them as blocked (no need even to spend your time on feeding
the firewall or block list),
- all contact information to us.
> You are makIng money from this, how many are you willing to pay to
> me/others (for our HW usage)? Or do you think, that we all are maintaining
> own hardware/services for your business?
I'm sure that we would be able to figure out fair pricing. I think that volume
tiered model could be the one to go. Would you have something in mind?
There is one more thing that I'm really curious about regarding resources and
also Atro's statement:
> "Email verification" abusing RCPT TO produces zero benefits in exchange
> for nonzero resource use for the target system owners.
Is "email verification" using more of your resources than if senders would just
send messages to undeliverable email addresses?
Is it the same payload or "cheeper one".
So far, we haven't been using historical verifications. But we brought that
with our CTO (during this conversation) that maybe we should consider that. In
that case, one undeliverable email address would be verified only once, stored
in an anonymized form, and this information would be used for all the
customers. In that case, there is a risk of edge case that the email address
will become deliverable at some point- but maybe the probability is low enough
not to care about it.
Kind Regards
____________________________________ ______ ___ ___ ___
*Radoslaw Kaczynski*
CEO of Bouncer
usebouncer.com ( https://www.usebouncer.com/ )
ul. Cypriana Kamila Norwida 24/1
50-374 Wrocław, Poland
💙 Become Bouncer’s Ambassador (
https://bouncer.partnerstack.com/?group=ambassadors )
On Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 23:12:02, Slavko < mailop@mailop.org > wrote:
> Dňa 6. septembra 2022 20:39:04 UTC používateľ Radek Kaczynski via mailop <
> mailop@ mailop. org ( mailop@mailop.org ) > napísal:
>> And as always, I really appreciate and respect your perspective and
>> constructive exchange of thoughts. This conversation has stimulated me to
>> reflect on our current and potentially future business model.
> I do not understand one thing. Why do you think, that you can use my (or
> any other's) hardware for own business without approve?
> You are makIng money from this, how many are you willing to pay to
> me/others (for our HW usage)? Or do you think, that we all are maintaining
> own hardware/services for your business?
> regards
> --
> Slavko
> https:/ / www. slavino. sk/ ( https://www.slavino.sk/ )
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