"They can say whatever they want, but .. I'm +1 with John. They have a
*lot* to learn about email and how it works"

Unless the language has changed since I read it, it says you need to report
on how much goes to spam. If you send it to quarantine instead, you can
still report it as 0 going to spam, completely comply with it, and none can
get to the inbox.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 8:21 PM Michael Rathbun via mailop <
mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Jul 2022 13:11:24 -0700, Justin Scott via mailop
> <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> >Interestingly any email "operator" with fewer than 500 employees or less
> >than $5 billion in annual revenue is exempt, so clearly targeted at the
> >major providers and not self-hosted operators or small hosting companies,
> >thankfully.
> If this misbegotten bit of sludge ever makes it to law status, I shall be
> applying for an exclusion.  I have less than US$1.00 revenue, and exactly
> one
> employee, but I DEMAND to be one of those operations included in its scope.
> Of the over 9,000 political emails that have arrived here from the RNC, the
> Trump Organization, the saveamerica45 pac, conservativeintel.com &c &c ad
> nauseam, not a single one has reached what might be construed as its
> intended
> recipient.
> And that ain't changing.  (There is a small trickle of Democrat spam, but
> that
> gets suppressed as well.)
> The problem:  not a single one of the addresses the injured party or
> parties
> intended to send to actually delivers to a human being who could have
> agreed
> to receive any large or small amount of used food.  Every single one of
> them
> was scraped, purchased, traded for, stolen or made up out of various
> elemental
> gases.
> mdr
> --
>          "There are no laws here, only agreements."
>                 -- Masahiko
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> mailop@mailop.org
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Brett Schenker
Man of Many Things, Including
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