On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 6:35 AM Cyril - ImprovMX via mailop <
mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

> After a discussion with OVH about this potential issue, I discovered that
> the problem was worst than that. By comparing all the emails from
> Spamcop.net reports, I discovered that they were from a few emails, but
> then, they had new headers added on top. This included a new "To",
> "Subject" and "Date" header. An email sent 4 days ago was sent again, with
> an updated date. The initial "Subject" was basic things like "hello" and
> the new Subject added at the top was more spammy (the typical horny stuff).
> Clearly, someone used the reputation of ImprovMX.com to deliver emails by
> forging them before delivery.
What you're describing sounds exactly like a DKIM replay attack.

Socketlabs, among others, have some ideas on how to mitigate such things.
Perhaps you might find those ideas useful -


*Todd Herr * | Technical Director, Standards and Ecosystem
*e:* todd.h...@valimail.com
*m:* 703.220.4153

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