Dnia  3.02.2022 o godz. 11:59:42 Andrew C Aitchison via mailop pisze:
> Having said that, my understanding is that deliverability is also an
> issue in Facebook. If some of my posts are not shown to some of my friends,
> without them telling Facebook that they did not want to see those messages,
> that is a deliverability fail, but since I don't get a failure message
> I wont know to complain about the system.

Indeed, this is a well known issue on Facebook and other social media
platforms. It even has got its own name: "shadow ban". If you are "shadow
banned", then you can post your messages, but others won't see that you
posted them, unless they specifically check your profile.

Some even say that "shadow ban" is not a bug, but a "hidden feature" of
Facebook etc. algorithms that is used more and more often. Many people
complain about Facebook cutting down visibility of their posts and
suggesting use of paid promotion options to increase it.

It is a very similar situation to what for example I experience with Gmail,
with my messages being constantly sent to Spam folder of Gmail recipients (I
don't experience this with any other receiving system, eg. Outlook or
Yahoo, only with Gmail), so the recipients don't see them unless I inform
them via other means that I have sent them a message (or they look into Spam
folder by themselves, which we all know people don't do). It is like I am
"shadow banned" on Google.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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