Okay, I have to admit, this was very well handled on your part. It's really
good guidance.

Al Iverson

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 8:49 AM yuv via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

> * I had waited for the answer to my direct note to Jonathan Mayer and
> fell asleep.  It arrived at 01:44 EST.  This morning I replied to him.
> With a direct line of communication open,  the letter higher up is on
> hold.
> * They are currently not sending emails and will be publishing an FAQ
> soon.  The issue that is relevant for mailop is, at least temporarily,
> defused.  The feedback I have given them with regard to the spam issue
> is that:
> The study abused the mechanism created by the laws to deliver its
> questionnaire to an email address whose purpose is only to receive
> legal GDPR/CCPA requests.  Maybe, on balance, such minor abuse could be
> tolerated as an efficient, low-cost shortcut to reach the person better
> placed to answer the study's questionnaire.  However, the obfuscation
> of the sender; the use of fraudulent identities; the covert and
> indirect questions; all void any possible justification, whether the
> study does or does not constitute human subjects research.
> [...]
> (a) put your questions in a direct plain view survey form on the web
> instead of covering them up with hypothetical facts scenarios;
> (b) identify yourself as the sender instead of using covert domains and
> false identities;
> (c) use a strict opt-in logic: the first email is the last one unless
> the subject responds; and the first email has all the elements for the
> subject to make an informed consent decision.
> into the study, I have been told that "[t]he IRB determined that our
> study does not constitute human subjects research."  I do not have the
> reasons for such determination, but this is the fault line at the
> moment.  I have offered to Jonathan my opinion that:
> The IRB's determination stands corrected (of course without admitting
> fault, given the litigious contest of the land).  Behind every website
> there is an operator and in most cases, the end-operator is a human
> subject, or an organization within which a human subject bears ultimate
> responsibility for processing the study's emails.  That human deserves
> respect [Belmont Report].
> In the context of GDPR/CCPA, the mechanism they create and the
> obligations and sanctions they impose, the study as designed resulted
> It is work in progress.  I am trying to identify who at Princeton would
> be the optimal recipient of my letter.  A Researcher Misconduct
> Complaint to the DoF would only deal with the individual researcher's
> integrity and would not prevent the IRB from making further misguided
> decisions on the coerced enrollment of humans.  At this time I am not
> seeking to punish the researchers.  I wait to see how the dialog with
> Jonathan unfolds.
> On Thu, 2021-12-16 at 22:10 -0700, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:
> > I don't buy the silly mistake.  Not the second time around.
> [...]
> > But the fact that the student repeated the action and apparent lack
> > of caring completely negates both "silly" and "mistake" in my head.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-strikes_law
> --
> Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
> Ontario-licensed lawyer
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