It appears that Bastian Blank via mailop <> said:
>On Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 05:14:17PM +0200, Xavier Beaudouin via mailop wrote:
>> I use greylisting...
>So there we have the problem.  Microsoft decided to implement a
>mailsystem that does not use the same IP for different delivery
>Not really common, but not forbidden.

That is extremely common for large ESPs and ISPs.  In my greylister, I fuzz the 
to /24 in ipv4 and /64 in ipv6, and there's still a few I had to whitelist 

Before someone says "oh they must be spammers", no, they're not, I can
see from the envelope addresses that the mail looks reasonable.
Anuway, spammers use botnets which don't retry at all. Even after
greylisting for a decade, 60% of the IPs I greylist never come back.


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