These still seem to be coming in quite consistently... Same Zoom sendgrid account.

Any updates on whats going on with this, Luke?

On 7/6/21 2:44 PM, Brielle via mailop wrote:
Here's the two that they all share:

Return-path: <>
Return-path: <>

(original unmunged version sent directly to you, Luke)

I've got zoom messages via sendgrid being rejected via a system filter currently, so there should be a bit of bounce messages going back at Zoom/Sendgrid, but yet they still keep coming...

Shouldn't there be some sort of required unsubscribe or report link at the bottom of these?  I seem to remember legitimate zoom invitations and such all have one?  But it's been a while.

On 7/6/21 2:33 PM, Luke wrote:
If you could share the return-path of the offending message, I can have it looked at.


On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 11:39 AM Brielle via mailop < <>> wrote:


    Anyone here have a contact for Zoom in re of webinar spam being sent
    from their platform via Sendgrid owned IPs?

    I'm rather unhappy with the fact they're allowing people to spam
    with no
    unsubscribe or report feature.

    I know Sendgrid is a hot steaming pile of dog excrement these days when     it comes to spam, so the lack of reporting or unsubscribe link doesn't
    surprise me...

    --     Brielle Bruns
    The Summit Open Source Development Group <>    /
    mailop mailing list <>

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group    /
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