You might want to look at any other customers from the same or nearby IP ranges 
that aren’t sending transactional email?

From: mailop <> on behalf of Vaibhav via mailop 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 10:02:52 PM
To: mailop <>
Subject: [mailop] Reg. delivery issues at Yahoo ISP

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone observed delivery issues with Yahoo ?

Recently in the past one week we observed below delivery issues at Yahoo ISP.

1 ) TSS04 delivery issue. ( Known for some time now ) - With dedicated delivery 
IPs , Newly onboarded customers , Customer sending triggered / transactional 
volume. We do the same issue with different mail streams.

2 ) Inbox delivery issue : - Email is getting filtered as spam where in history 
we didn't observe any such deviation.  Lots of triggered / transactional emails 
are getting filtered as spam where we don't see any throttling on dedicated IP 

Does anyone have any inputs ? How do we address this issue? as we are not 
getting the right inputs for the Yahoo Postmaster team.

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