To be honest, I am just plain lucky in that respect. Because I have a senior 
position that allows me to enforce a few things like:

1) I teach a representative from the organization, who will go ahead and train 
users, about proper use of email, best practices, so on and so forth.

2) One of those "best practices", is to tell everyone to use a separate 
yahoo/gmail/whatever account for registering to mailing lists and other types 
of non-serious, non-business correspondence.

3) Teach them to use disposable email addresses (like

So the real business email account stays squeaky clean and I don't have to 
worry about whatever garbage mail was blocked or not.

Sure, postfix has significant logging and monitoring, in case something 
happens, at which point we do damage control and take evasive action by using 
the BOFH excuse board:


On 6 Dec 2020 13:42:47 -0500 John Levine via mailop <> wrote:

> Don't your users complain about all of the mail they're missing? The
> false positive rate if you block on soft SPF fails is gigantic.
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