On 23.11.20 17:29, Philip Paeps via mailop wrote:
On 2020-11-21 22:02:19 (+0800), Luke via mailop wrote:
The system is clearly better adapted to dealing with large, steady,
volumes of email from bulk senders. Small organisations or individuals
running their own email seem to be an afterthought. The only way they
can play too, is to stay visible and remind the Machine of their
existence. Go quiet and you're out. Become less predictable and you're out.
I think I can confirm this from my own observations.
I don't have many contacts using gmail (and am not sending that much
email to begin with). So I end up sending an email to googlemail every
few weeks. (checks DMARC reports... yup 2 weeks ago was the last, this
will likely be the next)
I occasionally got them delivered to the inbox in the past but it's
mostly spam folder now. Maybe I should set up some newsletter or
something and have people with gmail subscribe there.
Happily most people I communicate with who host their email at Google
have been conditioned into routinely checking their junk folder and
interacting with the not-junk that accumulates there.
I mostly go the 'ping people on another channel' when sending an email
now. At least if I suspect they might be using gmail or microsoft hosted
email. *sigh*
Email is hard. It'll never catch on.
Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
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