We have a customer (Finnish Academy aka.fi) who use our services to send out
emails through our server smtp.sdn.csc.fi. Unfortunately, Outlook.com seems to
have added more hoops for us to jump through.

When sending messages to a *.mail.protection.outlook.com host via IPv6,
our mail host gets the following email status:

#4.7.26 SMTP; 450 4.7.26 Service does not accept messages sent over IPv6
[2001:708:10:6004::22] unless they pass either SPF or DKIM validation (message
not signed) (S825). [DB5EUR03FT043.eop-EUR03.prod.protection.outlook.com]

SPF for aka.fi is, as far as I can tell, correct albeit non-restrictive.
Before I start randomly making changes (like adding DKIM etc), does anyone
have ideas?


The latter test gives me a slightly germanic error about non-restrictiveness.
   /* * * Otto J. Makela <o...@iki.fi> * * * * * * * * * */
  /* Phone: +358 40 765 5772, ICBM: N 60 10' E 24 55' */
 /* Mail: Mechelininkatu 26 B 27,  FI-00100 Helsinki */
/* * * Computers Rule 01001111 01001011 * * * * * * */
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