
My vision of it is larger and includes a blacklist with the ability to exclude 
and grey list certain hosts within the large blocks controlled by ovh and the 

I never said we should abandon everything that has been done up until now but 
we definitely need to make it better, faster and allow for real-time detailed 
information for mailops adhering to the system that want to stay on top of 
their reputation.

I see it where an upstanding host could be registered, monitored and assigned a 
lower risk value so rather than discarding/discriminating altogether based on 
the uplink's ip block, it could be accepted and submitted to the receiving 
host's spam filtering system regardless of the uplink's ip range thereby 
putting more responsibility on the actual host which let's face it, has little 
to no influence on large corporations like ovh but can still be reputable and 
deserve a fighting chance. 

With that, we could have complete blockage of company X's ip range through a 
central list and still allow traffic to flow from upstanding smaller hosts 
within their larger block that do comply with the requirements to adhere to the 

Oh I can imagine many of the conspiracy theorists out there can conjure up 1001 
scenarios but email has become such an essential service worldwide in some ways 
almost surpassing the good old telephone for B2B/Commercial, that at some point 
there has to be something done to ensure there is a healthy and competitive 
market out there while applying proper netiquette and regional laws regarding 
unsolicited email.

Solutions I.D.S.
Alain Gaudreau <agaudr...@solutionsids.ca>

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop <mailop-boun...@mailop.org> On Behalf Of Chris via mailop
Sent: August 7, 2020 2:13 PM
To: mailop@mailop.org
Subject: Re: [mailop] OVH Bulk Mailer? Anyone know this one?

On 2020-08-07 13:14, Alain Gaudreau via mailop wrote:

> Perhaps the time has come to change how we have all been doing it for 
> decades with the current hundreds of RBL’s and local block lists and 
> put in place a low cost or no cost to mailops neutral world wide 
> “governing body” built on fast response, information for mailops and best 
> practices.

I think the very fact that we have recalcitrant providers whose repute has 
universally gotten so low and stimulated widespread blocking as OVH has, proves 
that what you propose, even if implemented, couldn't possibly work.  Especially 
considering offshore bullet-proof providers.

If OVH or other large providers can get away with being the way they are, what 
makes you think any centralized thing would work any better?

As a corollary, what would make a provider comply if you've eliminated the 
mechanisms we have now? that do work to a significant extent  Eg: 
DNSBLs (local or public)?  Nothing.

And this doesn't begin to get into the vast wave of "centralized governing 
body" conspiracy theories or one-world-order or human rights violation 
squealing that would inevitable ensue.

And I say that as someone trying to run a mail server on OVH too.  One day when 
I get 'round to it and the blockage gets sufficiently a nuisance, I'll move it 
to a more reputable VPS.

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