
Related to the thread of a few days ago "Force double opt in for 
marketing list companies per email address":

Which ESP does 100% (double/confirmed) opt in?

I am looking for an ESP that will, in every case, send a confirmation 
link without ever trusting their clients about the consent status of 
lists they import?

I am aware this means some recipients might never click the link and get 
another 2nd mail. I am also aware this doesn't block every abuse, as 
Laura mentioned (I've seen those too):

On 6/4/20 9:10 AM, Laura Atkins via mailop wrote:

> I will also say there is such a thing as spam to a COI address. Like, 
> I confirmed my subscription to one retailers list and they start 
> mailing me advertising for a different brand of theirs (has happened). 
> Or I confirm my subscription to one company and they go out of 
> business and sell off their COI list to the highest bidder (has 
> happened). Or I confirm my address for one type of email and the brand 
> decides to expand their marketing and send me mail for a completely 
> different thing (has happened). Or I confirm my address and then 
> unsubscribe but the company changes ESPs and forgets to take their 
> unsub list with them. 
My goal with this mail is not to debate the pros and cons of COI. I am 
only looking for an ESP that enforces it strictly.


Laurent S.

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