Yeah, and IMHO (don't hit me) that VERP should go the way of the Dodo..
If a domain owner wants to have MailChimp send bulk email for them, they 
should add MailChimp to their SPF record.. and have their domain in the 
MAIL FROM.. it helps improve delivery dates.. eg the ISP can safely 
'whitelist' the trusted domain, and use SPF to block forgeries..
The 'From' header is too easily forged (see all the 'Paypal' and 
'Netflix' phishing SendGrid is dealing with..
If you want to say, accept ALL email from MailChimp, sure.. leave the 
VERP, even though ANYONE who is 'bouncing' to the VERP, will undoubtably 
be also generating backscatter.. rejecting based on MAIL FROM is much 
more efficient email processing, than accepting it, and later trying to 
bounce to the MAIL FROM address (see forgeries)
Oh, and BTW "today" it's still SendGrid and MailGun sending to too many 
invalid recipients, based on reports from Telco's across North America, 
so someone is using old databases for sending..

On 2020-06-02 2:07 p.m., Atro Tossavainen via mailop wrote:
In the end, if mailchimp actually DID use the sender's email in the
MAIL FROM, it might make it easier.. If they did had a way to see
that this was an invite..
Practically all ESPs use VERP.

It makes sense for them in so many ways. For starters, they can
guarantee that SPF matches for domains they themselves control, which
is nowhere near a given with customer domains. It should also make
bounce processing trivial. (Evidence in the form of Koli-Lõks OÜ
having a business at all shows that nobody is monitoring that, though.)

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