There is one, he should at least change "-all" to "?all" (or perhaps "~all").

Using "-all" as the default in a SPF record does not have any readily apparent effect on "Inbox" deliverability of SPF-authenticated mail to GMail relative to "~all" based on domains whose mail and SPF records I've been handling for many years. Do you have any actual evidence to the contrary?

Is the fact that Google themselves uses "~all" and not "-all" enough "actual evidence"? If not, is the fact that most other major email providers (Yahoo, Outlook/Hotmail, iCloud, AOL, ...) do the same enough "actual evidence"? If not, what kind of "actual evidence" are you expecting?

These mail providers have more brainpower than any other company, and would have more power than any other company to enforce a stricter policy if this was actually a good thing in practice. Therefore smaller providers that do not have that brainpower and power should IMHO use a less strict policy, hence the "?all" I would advise.


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