on Fri, Dec 06, 2019 at 12:10:54AM +0000, Steve Holdoway via mailop wrote:
> Still on sendmail... not wasting those 10's of thousands of hours!

At the risk of adding to a not-even-close-to-ops-related thread,

Sing it, brother!

I'm still running most of the 14K lines of custom m4 sendmail rulesets I
wrote back before I knew any better, mostly to deal with specific
ratware signatures.

In short, though, I've found if you want complete customizability and
are not afraid to get your hands dirty sendmail is hard to beat. Postfix
is crazy flexible in terms of knobs you can turn, as is exim, and I hear
it is possible to make the latter two do more than I could ever figure
out how to do, but I always found them more rigid than sendmail, which
is a clear sign of confirmation bias on my part, but hey. Where else do
you get to do a fifty-four member set of defs to deal with an insanely
particular set of From: header checks like this, AND get to do it in m4?

# f.last_
# e.g. "First M. Last" <f.last...@example.com>
# e.g. "First Last" <f.last...@example.com>
KEL_FirstMLastZZ05 regex -f -a_SPAMSIGN_ "[A-Z]([a-z]+)\ [A-Z]*\.*\ *[A-Z]([a-z
\-]+[A-Z]*[a-z]*)"\ <[a-z].[a-z]\2_[a-z]{2}@

In over fifteen years of running this set (dealt with randomized stuff
like "Steven J. Champeon" <s.champeon...@foo.example.com>) I had one FP
on someone whose email address ended in _md, because, doctor.

hesketh.com/inc. v: +1(919)834-2552 f: +1(919)834-2553 w: http://hesketh.com/
Internet security and antispam hostname intelligence: http://enemieslist.com/

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