On September 9, 2019 7:12:14 PM UTC, Al Iverson via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> 
> Looks like OpenSRS is sending domain verification emails with a from
> address of the domain technical contact. Not authenticated, as far as
> I can tell, and it probably violates a domain's DMARC policy, if they
> have a restrictive one.
> It's 2019...you can't fake somebody else's from address when sending
> with DKIM and/or SPF.
> Trying to work through this with support, but also, I wanted to throw
> this out here to see if anyone from Tucows/OpenSRS was here or if
> anyone knew of a higher level contact that we could discuss this with.
Oh my gawd, don't get me started on their support desk.  To be fair,
they do respond, but man sometimes it seems like they don't want or care
to do what I want or need.  For instance, I am still in the middle of an
weeks long (note: this is the 3rd iteration of this over the past 12
months) effort to get whois anonymity removed from the domain sending
this email, after they "generously" decided that I should be granted
forced anonymity on a domain that sends bulk email.  They're not brain-
dead, they just do things differently and don't seem to give a sh*t
about it at times.

-Jim P. (yes, I know this was sent to the list)

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