Ross Tajvar via mailop <> (Fr 12 Jul 2019 04:12:13 CEST):
> >For mail clients this question isn't relevant, if this is meant as
> >"MUA", since MUAs normally talk to their submission hosts, and often do
> >certificate checking similar to that what HTTPS clients do: compare the
> >certificate's CN, and SAN with the hostname they connect to and verify
> >the certificate against locally stored trusted CAs.
> Not sure how that makes it irrelevant. Just like in HTTPS clients, DANE
> provides an additional layer of validation. I.e. with DANE you can check
> for a specific cert fingerprint vs with normal validation you trust any
> valid matching cert issued by any trusted CA. In my view, DANE would be
> useful in mail clients. Just not sure if any actually use it.

Yes, undoubtly, it *would* be a good move, to use DANE as an additional
(or in some cases only) server validation method. I think of pure
internal submission hosts, having no publicly trusted CA (plus some
reason not to deploy the private CA to the clients).

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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