On 2019-07-01 21:20:30 (+0800), Simplelists - Andrew Beverley via mailop
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 14:19:03 +0100 (BST) Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019, Simplelists - Andrew Beverley via mailop wrote:
I'm after some general advice about moving to a new outbound email
IP address range.
We have a choice of either applying for a brand new range from RIPE
(which has presumably never been used before to send email), or
buying an existing block that may have been used.
Would it be better to go for the brand new block? Obviously any
existing block could be checked in DNSBLs etc, but are there any
advantages of using an existing block?
Are they both IPv4 ? Both IPv6 ?
Both IPv4.
The factory that made IPv4 addresses has been closed for a while. They
don't make new IPv4 addresses any longer. I don't believe "completely
clean" IPv4 address space exists anywhere. Certainly in the RIPE
region, all you're going to get is returned address space.
I think "the devil you know" might be the better option. RIPE NCC will
assign you whatever allocation is next, which may have once been
hijacked or otherwise unsanitary. You have no way to know. If you're
transferring space from a broker, you can do at least some due
Whichever option you go for ... you'll have to ramp it up slowly. Even
if the block you get allocated has inexplicably never been seen to send
email before, the absence of a reputation is also a reputation in the
benighted times we live in.
Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
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