Yeah, watch for all the new domain registrations for look-alike domains, eg, with 'Links back to our Site' , world needs to make it 
easier for the one-time use email addresses when registering information on 
line for the general public, eg the -dash notation.

But what is scary about this one, is that it includes enough information linked 
together, eg passport information, credit cards, to make identity theft a lot 
easier.. from what I understand.. 

Wish these breach announcements would happen on a Monday instead of a Friday ;) 
 Hackers work weekends more than security ppl do.

On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 08:06:57 -0800
"Kurt Andersen (b)"  wrote:
> Sadly, they are using a cousin domain for the mailing (according to their
> FAQ "How will I know that the email notification I receive is from
> Marriott?"):
>  We want you to be confident that the email notification you may receive is
>> from Marriott. The email will come from the following email address:
>> We also want you to be aware that when
>> other companies have provided notifications like this, other people used it
>> to try to trick individuals into providing information about themselves
>> through the use of links to fake websites (phishing) or by impersonating
>> someone they trusted (social engineering). Please note that the email you
>> may receive from us will not contain any attachments or request any
>> information from you, and any links will only bring you back to this
>> webpage.
> Let's hope it will be DMARC reject but it's not looking like it from the
> current record.
> --Kurt
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