In article <> you write:
>I think this crap started in the fax world and idiots carried it 
>over to email.

A long time ago lawyers used faxes to send stuff to each other.  Fax
machines have speed dial buttons, and it is pretty easy to hit the
wrong button and send the fax to the wrong lawyer, which can be a
problem if the wrong lawyer is their opponent in a lawsuit.  

As a matter of professional legal ethics, if one lawyer sends another
lawyer material by mistake, the recipient is supposed to return it.
It's not a law anywhere, and if you're not a lawyer, it doesn't apply
to you.

It spread cargo cult style to non-lawyers and messages that are not
faxes, and bad lawyers (or people who act like bad lawyers) added
threats, imagining this made themselves big and tough.

Of course, they just make themselves look stupid.  Treat them


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