
LE does not insist on certbot. They recommend it, and why wouldn't they? :) 

Use instead if you are not able adhere to the requirements of Certbot. requires nothing but sh.

Also, it seems like you did not properly read about ways to address the 
problems you mention. Instead of having a webserver you could do DNS 
validation. already supports a ton of DNS implementations:    - and if yours is not 
there, it's easy to write an implementation.

Frands Bjerring Hansen
Zitcom A/S -​

From: mailop <> on behalf of Noel Butler 
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:29 AM
Subject: Re: [mailop] Expires SSL cert for mailop
On 27/10/2018 04:40, Thomas Walter wrote:
Hey Mark,

On 26.10.18 17:34, Mark Milhollan wrote:  Let's Encrypt changes little, 
processes can break whether they are 
yearly, bi-yearly or monthly.  Granted you'd think there would be 
monitoring and then reasonably quick restoration.
Let's Encrypt automates the whole process and in case that doesn't work
for whatever reason it sends you reminders by mail way before the
certificate finally expires.

If the main process and the backup reminder both fail, you are doing
something wrong ;).

Thomas Walter

Problem with letsencrypt is their preferred and insisted " certbot "  - does 
not run (easily at least) on all flavours..
I gave up with it on slackware which is what my servers run, tried using 
Crypt::LE and voila instant success, it was painless to use even for (tested at 
least) renews, although it requires a working webserver so come time to replace 
my comodo's on my MX's,  will give me another challenge :)
Kind Regards,
Noel Butler
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