I'm late to this particular party, but for reference in my day job (at 
Loughborough Uni) I recently moved our students from a Google (Apps for Edu | 
GSuite) domain to Office 365.

That was 17000+ mailboxes, INBOX, subfolders and all, using imapsync with a lot 
of 'tuning'.

I ran it in parallel on a single CentOS 7 VM with 24GB RAM and 12 cores, using 
delegated access on the O365 side and 'admin' access via XOAUTH2 on the Google 
side, with a maximum of 130 concurrent jobs. In total it took a shade under 5 
days (around 300Mbps bidirectionally).

We didn't hit any notable limits at all at either end, but I did land the 
migration VM in O365's bad books after mis-cueing the authentication end of 
things during the development phase. They really didn't like getting thousands 
of auth failures per hour!

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