On 05/01/2017 16:06, Scott E Bonacker CPA wrote:
Since upgrading to a new laptop with OEM Win10x64, and OL2016 connected to an 
Office365 account, I have also been sending messages to various lists via POP 
using a domain different than the one registered with Office365. That has 
resulted in false positive alerts when messages are distributed by some systems 
- the alert below was inserted by LISTSERV-TCP/IP release 16.0.  Interestingly, 
msgs distributed by Yahoo Groups don't get a similar alert.
Is there anything a user can do to avoid creating false-positives like this, or 
is this just a fact of life now?
At a guess it's something to do with your SPF record.

What domain are you sending from when you get the problems? Is the SPF record for that domain set up to allow sending through the Office365 account?

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