On Thu 2016-Jul-28 09:05:22 -0600, Anne Mitchell <amitch...@isipp.com> wrote:

… I just call `whois` from BASH and pipe the results into `less`.

I do this too, except I use 'more'. Is there a quantifiable difference between 'less' and 'more'? Or, perhaps, less is more? ;-)

In a matter of speaking, yes:


more is a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time. This version is especially primitive. ***Users should realize that less(1) provides more(1) emulation plus extensive enhancements.***

(emphasis mine)

Fom my purposes, `less` provides simpler navigation, and `more` always felt tailored to always moving forward not back. There is:

       b or ^B     Skip backwards k screenfuls of text.  Defaults to 1.
                   Only works with files, not pipes.

...but `less` just seemed simpler to navigate.



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