This throttle seems excessive, even though it's only temporary.  I've filed
a bug against our spam team to take a look.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 4:30 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently seeing only this error
> 421-4.7.0 Our system has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail
> originating from your IP address. To protect our users from spam, mail
> sent from your IP address has been temporarily rate limited. Please
> visit to review our Bulk E
> mail Senders Guidelines. vx5si6861009wjc.33 - gsmtp
> for all Mails going from ( to any Google
> Apps Domain or Gmail Recipient. It's not much traffic (2k mails in a
> week). I'm pretty sure I identified the reason for that, we had an
> relay setting for an external user who is hosting his mail on Google
> apps and besides simple spam filtering we relayed everything.
> I really hope that this is the only reason, because on this host 99% of
> the traffic is one2one communication and therefore should not trigger
> any bulk filter...
> Would be nice if somebody who is able to look into this, could give me
> a short catchup if we have any other issues on this host...
> Kind regards,
> / Tobias Herkula
> --
> optivo GmbH
> Head of Deliverability & Abuse Management
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> Germany
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> Commercial register: HRB 88738 District Court Berlin-Charlottenburg
> Executive board: Dr. Rainer Brosch, Thomas Diezmann
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> optivo A company of Deutsche Post DHL Group
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