We're seeing a lot of our mail being deferred due to being listed on the
Proofpoint blacklist. A typical response to MAIL FROM:
450 4.7.0 Deferred - see
The major site this is affecting delivery to is iCloud, but there are
other smaller sites in our logs, so it's not only iCloud.
This happens from time to time, but this time Proofpoint's lookup
service says we're not being listed.  We've tried cycling our outgoing
IPs to known-good ones (we monitor many blacklists), but remote sites
continue to defer our mail while the lookup service continues to say
we're fine:
(and so on. I suspect the entire range would produce the
same results).
Either we are listed, and the lookup service is wrong, or we're not
listed and whatever internal lookup Proofpoint customers use is wrong.
We haven't been able to get hold of anyone at Proofpoint - no obvious
support service for non-customers and we haven't been able to get anyone
on the phone. Does anyone have a contact they can put me in touch with?
Rob N
FastMail Operations.
mailop mailing list

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