On 16-05-27 10:02 AM, Al Iverson wrote:
On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Michael Peddemors
<mich...@linuxmagic.com> wrote:
Because a signup process that falls victim to various types of
auto-responses would be bad. Anything you'd have to add to that to try
to prevent that issue would make it more confusing for some folks and
would result in a drop off in confirmation rate.
Please Reply if you want this.. hard to confuse that, but important to
make it clear.. having several methods as pointed out, is creating false
confirmations, which was the thread in the first place..
Regarding this new "CDOI" acronym: Michael, bless you for trying, but
you're the guy who runs the blacklist that calls all commercial email
"third party mail" no matter how confirmed or clearly opt-in it is, so
you personally wouldn't be the guy I'd look to for help throwing more
definitions at the problem.
I usually refrain from being pulled in by flame bait.. but..
A little more investigation on your part should be in order..
I run a company which does a lot of work in the email space. We provide
email platforms for ISP's and Telco's and with hundreds of Telco's in
North America, and millions of users on those platforms, as well as
other spam protection products for various industries.
And from that activity, we are privy to a lot of big data, reporting
tools, and analytics.
Some of that information is used for various reputation databases, that
are available to our customers and the public.
It allows us unique insites into behavioural problems. And the people
that I have working for me are very professional, as well as our clients
find this information very valuable. We enable people to take that
information and make choices on what is best for their email
subscribers. Those choices might be based on the reputation that an
operator gains.
And being privy to a lot of this data and information, you might think I
would be uniquely situated to comment on the industry. AS a member of
the original Canadian Anti-Spam task force, we spent a lot of time going
over what is 'wanted email', what is permission based.
Simply put, reputations are earned, not invented.. and the information
we share, helps others in improving their email experience.
Professional, confirmed double opt-in, operators who use clearly
identifiable Best Practices, seldom gain reputation problems, but if
they do, whether from our related teams, or most other reputation
services, they quickly get their problems resolved.
And FYI, there is a significant part of the population, that might
choose not to receive most 'commercial email' as you put it.. or at
least be able to clearly choose what forms they want. But that isn't
the point here.
'Nuff said.. In the end, what I always say is "what is one man's spam,
is another man's reading material', the importance is giving the users
the choices, the decision making capabilities, and the information to
make their own choices. And I am proud that our company continues to do
this, no matter which division or group or staff member or technology
that is.
"Catch the Magic of Linux..."
Michael Peddemors, President/CEO LinuxMagic Inc.
Visit us at http://www.linuxmagic.com @linuxmagic
A Wizard IT Company - For More Info http://www.wizard.ca
"LinuxMagic" a Registered TradeMark of Wizard Tower TechnoServices Ltd.
604-682-0300 Beautiful British Columbia, Canada
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