On 5/9/16 11:20 AM, Anne Mitchell wrote:

Without commenting on what I think of the 'service' personally, I know the 
founders over at bounce.io, and with permission, I'd like to send this over to 
them - while the service may be ripe for abuse, the people involved are pretty 
white hat in their views, so I think they'd want to hear about this.

Ripe for abuse? It *IS* abuse.

Sender A sends to recipient B. Mail to B isn't deliverable for some reason. Third-party bounce.io, with permission of (and possible payment to?) B's ISP, intercepts the non-delivery notice and sends advertisements to sender A without permission. How can this possibly be construed as white-hat?

It's backscatter on steroids.

Their FAQ at betterbounces.net (bounce.io redirects there) claims that they're just trying to send more human-readable bounce messages but need advertising to pay for it. They also claim that one can opt out of the advertisements but only on a domain-by-domain (or typo-by-typo) basis.


In fact, the bounce messages, while perhaps more human-readable, are far less likely to ever be read by a human as the spam within them will result in almost universal filtering once anti-spam vendors get savvy to it.

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - j...@impulse.net
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