You should have done DKIM on your old IP before moving, so you could have
carried over your domain reputation to the new IP.

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Robert Guthrie <> wrote:

> Hi List,
> Just wanted to check in and see if there is anything else I can do to get
> emails to arrive immediately rather than be delayed a few hours - this only
> concerns delivery to google apps accounts.
> Our outbound smtp ( is using TLS, SPF, DKIM and a
> reasonable percentage of the 45K/day we send get opened. It's relatively
> new, about a month old and it was started on a fresh IP - I should have
> reused the old IP (alas the old IP has been relinquished)
> Previously we were sending the same volume of email, but without TLS or
> DKIM, but the IP was warmed up organically and we never had delays with
> google apps.
> The throttling varies day to day, some times emails arrive instantly, but
> other days there is a big delay. Is there anything I can do to help bring
> the throttling down and keep it down?
> Sigh. Thanks for your help!
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