Hi Brandon/Steve,

On 25/04/16 22:19, Brandon Long via mailop wrote:

Google groups mostly does verps style addressing for the reasons that Steve mentions. We added support for not doing it for apps domains going to internal addresses, but mostly that doesn't work any more since we split deliveries since each recipient may have different policies applied to it, and computing the intersection of policies on a multi recipient message was punted.

Fixing it is somewhere on a to-do list but I wouldn't hold my breath. Maybe if we increase the size of messages we support it will become more important.

I'd recommend caching scan results to save on some of the resources, but it's no cure all obviously. I think app groups also have a setting to limit the size of messages, or you can try and encourage pass drive links instead.

No good answers, sorry.

Ok - thanks for the reply and the information. I couldn't see the point of VERP for internal addresses and I was sure that it used to work that way, at least you've confirmed that I wasn't imagining it ;-)

We're already caching results etc. it's merely the amplification that is the big inconvenience. I'll see what I can do to get them to use Drive instead of attachments...

Kind regards,

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