This is a great conversation...

In regards to sending password protected zip files, I am aware of several spam 
filters that inspect the contents of zip files and if the file is password 
protected it is blocked..


Howard Cunningham, MCP
howa...@macrollc.com - personal
For technical support, send an email to serv...@macrollc.com or call 
703-359-9211 (24/7)

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop [mailto:mailop-boun...@mailop.org] On Behalf Of Michael Orlitzky
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 11:27 AM
To: mailop@mailop.org
Subject: Re: [mailop] Should I be disappointed with Reflexion?

On 04/14/2016 10:35 AM, Mark Keymer wrote:
> I do know that many hospitals, banks etc. Do use this type of 
> encryption to e-mail the client and basically tell them to log into 
> there web portal to view the encrypted e-mail.
> What other options are our there for sending encrypted e-mails?

Problem: we want to ensure that a third party can't read our emails.
Solution: give those emails to a third party to put on the web.

The user-unfriendly forms of encryption are unfriendly because they work. If it 
doesn't have to work, I can make it real friendly =)

A password-protected zip file works just as well as using a third party.
You still have the (unsolvable) problem of getting the password to the 
recipient in a secure way, but at least you haven't given away the thing that 
you're trying to keep secret. (How would you get the webpage password to the 
recipient? Do that.)

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