On 3/24/16 7:43 AM, G. Miliotis wrote:

Conversely, in the case that a specific SMTP AUTH user sending from my
server getting compromised, they will ban me again, 5xx starts. I will
notice immediately and fix the problem with the client. Then, when I go
to freemail.com to get unbanned they will know the specific customer
involved. They will have a measure of how valid my claims that the issue
is fixed are. They have logs to check the account credentials were
changed, they have a contact and hey, it's a CUSTOMER or theirs telling
them I've fixed it. Much easier to believe. Much easier to unblock. At
least in a reasonable world.

The users of freemail accounts (or Twitter, Facebook, etc.) are not by any means customers. They are product. Advertisers are customers.

It isn't going to be worth the CPU or human cycles for freemail providers to pacify a specific user or ESP claiming to be authorized by one if this starts to scale. Once third-party mailers begin using the credentials of specific freemail accounts to send bulk mail that generates a non-trivial number of complaints and/or bounces, the battle has escalated. To the freemail provider it's no different from a spammer generating throwaway accounts from which to spew.

The end result will be that the freemail account user will get locked out or the account will be shut down. User will then blame the ESP for disrupting his "business" email address.

Does the local brownie troop really need an ESP?
Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - j...@impulse.net
Impulse Internet Service  -  http://www.impulse.net/
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