Hi Geordie,

Please send me some NDR message samples and we will look into it.

To stop being forged, as we know, I‘d recommand again that you add SPF(with 
rejecting policy),DKIM or even DMARC. These DNS records would help our system 
to identify whether an email is forged or not. We discard forged emails without 
a NDR.

Or we can discuss and figure out a solution, thoughts?

With Best Regards,

-Junping Chen

At 2016-02-26 04:58:45, "Geordie Guy" <geordie....@covermore.com.au> wrote:

If you're the postmaster for 163.com can you please look at your NDR policies? 
I get NDRs daily from people forging from on my domain to 163.com users that 
don't exist. 

Sent from my mobile. Please excuse any unusual brevity or typos while I'm on 
the go. 

On 25 Feb 2016, at 10:23 PM, 陈俊平 <chenjunp...@corp.netease.com> wrote:

Hello team,

I am a postmaster of Netease Inc.(NASDAQ: NTES), we are a professional email 
service provider in China with domains 163.com, 126.com, yeah.net and etc.

Recently we seems to miss a lot of GitHub emails(such as GitHub Reigister 
Verify Emails), as our logfiles tell, Github dose not send out these emails.

I'd tried posting a support request at page https://github.com/contact , 
sending emails to ab...@github.com,h...@github.com,supp...@github.com, and some 
other ways to reach out to GitHub team. Unluckily I get no reply so far.

Now I turned to this list for help, please help to forward this message if you 
knew someone in GitHub. Thank you very very much!

Best Wishes,

-Junping Chen


Netease Inc.(NASDAQ: NTES)


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