On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:23 AM, Michelle Sullivan <miche...@sorbs.net> wrote:
> If you're doing it just on the subject, ok I'll go with that..

There's an MSc Thesis by Chris Kopsidas (then a student at the
University of Athens, back in 2012) where we worked explicitly on
subject lines of spams that went past SpamAssassin, RBLs and a few
other filters. I thought at the time that since a Subject line is
considerably smaller than most message bodies, trying to infer spam or
ham based on the subject would be faster than checking the whole

I never really got it to production since I had more pressing problems
to deal with, but if anyone is interested, I can put you in contact
with both the guy that implemented the idea and his (then) supervisor.

"If technology is your thing plan to die reading manuals" --Gene Woolsey

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