On 01/21/16 13:12, Anne Mitchell wrote:
Here is a list of 5505874 words and phrases used in the subject line of HAM and
never seen in the subject line of SPAM
Well, until the spammers spider the site, get the list, and incorporate the
subject lines.
What's to stop spammers from simply adding (as an example) 'let's get dinner'
to their subject line, and then how does the filter address that?
I match a lot of different attributes. So one faked match isn't likely
to work for them. What get's spammers caught is that eventually they
have to sell you something because they want you to do something and
they have to convince you. So that's what gets them caught.
But - the most important thing about this new method is that it is even
better at identifying ham. So good email doesn't get blocked.
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