On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 03:18:28PM +0200, Gil Bahat wrote:
> [...] using the built-in content invite mechanism.

Step 1: remove that permanently.  It's an abuse magnet, like "email
this link to a friend", and while there are ways to mitigate some of
abuse your site will emanate as a result of it, the only truly effective
way is to get rid of it.

If someone wishes to point out content on your site to a third party,
then either (a) they're perfectly capable of composing an email message
doing so and sending it to their correspondents or (b) they're not.
(a) does not involve you and thus doesn't present you with an abuse
problem to solve.  (b) doesn't present anyone with an abuse problem.

All mechanisms like this are examples of the general problem that
results when one allows third parties to generate *outbound* traffic
from one's operation to arbitrary destinations.  Like open DNS resolvers
and open SMTP relays, the best way to deal with these is not to have them.


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