On 2025-03-07, at 01:26 +1300, Benny Kjær Nielsen <mailingl...@freron.com> 

>> I have been wanting to move to the new license model from test release 6065 
>> but still can't find the release notes for *only* the changes between 6065 
>> and 6067. The available release notes for 6067 include all changes from 
>> release 5937 (almost 2 years of changes), which I've been avoiding going 
>> through as the vast majority would be redundant. Does such a diff of changes 
>> exist?
> No. Most of the changes were related to the new licensing model which also 
> required a coordination of changes in MailMate, the server (freron.com), and 
> the MailMate store (Fastspring). There might have been a few bug fixes to 
> MailMate functionality, but nothing important.
> A longer list of recent changes (since r6067) can be found here: 
> https://updates.mailmate-app.com/release_notes_archive/MailMate_r6236.html

Thanks for confirming. I had found the release notes up to 6234 from the 
Software Update dialog so plan to upgrade this weekend.
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