
You are most welcome. I suppose another way around the issues would be to email 
(forwarding) them to your new Source account. I think the former proposal was 
the best, though. You’ll likely also need to inform others of your new account 
prior to its retirement, so don’t forget about that - there may be others that 
need to know what happened. So a limited closure notice might be appropriate.

Also, even without that, I have found that junk mail ends up locating you 
again, so filtering will likely need to be set up for your new email as well 
after closing your old account.  Hopefully that is not the only reasoning 
you’re re-locating/revising/remocing an account, though you didn’t say so.

My experience with 10 Source Accounts of several flavors , including iCloud, 
Outlook, Windows Live, Gmail and commercial servers is speaking on this topic, 
FWIW. I recently abandoned a Gmail account which I hadn’t used in any way for 
years. I found several emailers still had no knowledge of my change, despite 
following all best practices, etc. Yet that said, thee junk mailers ALL were 
able to find me. HA!


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 5 Mar 2025, at 12:42, Mark Chapman wrote:

> Hi Henry,
> That does sound like what happened.
> I am still puzzled about why it happens because iCloud can handle a message 
> of that size (the content of the message was 9 image files rather than one 
> large attachment).
> I finally solved the synchronization problem by dragging it back to the 
> original IMAP account but that still leaves the message in an account I want 
> to retire. I will follow your advice and export the contents to local storage.
> Much Thanks,
> Mark
> I have sought peace in all, and found it nowhere but in a corner with a book
>     - Thomas a Kempis
> On 5 Mar 2025, at 11:47, wrote:
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 7
>> Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 16:46:59 +0000
>> From: Henry Seiden <>
>> To: MailMate Users <>
>> Subject: Re: [MlMt] Problem with Message not Synchronizing with iCloud
>> Message-ID:
>> <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Mark,
>> Sounds like from the size of the email mentioned (45MB), it may be an 
>> attachment in that email causing the difficulty. When you move an email item 
>> to a different source MM may try to move any associated attached files, too. 
>> Have you investigated this? Many servers react to an attachment file of that 
>> size with such a response including iCloud. So, try separating attachments 
>> or export to a local storage.
>> Respectfully,
>> Henry Seiden
>> - -
>> Techworks Pro Co.
>> E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
>> W:
>> On 5 Mar 2025, at 11:41, Mark Chapman wrote:
>>> I am moving saved messages from an old IMAP account to my iCloud account.
>>> When I moved one particular message to iCloud attempts to upload it to the 
>>> server produces this error "Error: Server response: “G10 BAD Cannot upload 
>>> message, TOOBIG (took 0 ms)”."
>>> Oddly, Mailmate reports that the message is only 45 MB. The problem I have 
>>> now is I don't know how to get rid of it. I moved it around to different 
>>> iCloud mailboxes with the same result. When I try to delete it, it keeps 
>>> the deleted mailbox from synchronizing. Is it safe to delete it in the 
>>> finder?
>>> I would also like to figure out what is causing the problem.
>>> Much Thanks,
>>> Mark
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